Fandom in the High School Classroom

Working Outline of Project—>>>>Fandom-in-the-Classroom-5-31-23

For the last 15 years, I have worked in the entertainment industry as a convention agent; in addition, I have taught English for 27 years in an alternative high school designed for students who have dropped out, aged out, or otherwise been unsuccessful in a traditional school. It has been the honor of a lifetime to engage with both fans and students over the years. I am currently working on a book that explores how the fandom experience can encourage student engagement in the classroom in the same ways it brings fans together at conventions. I know that sounds like “educationalese” but simply put, students jump into the content they enjoy, and often they find this in pop culture media. Struggling readers might be put off by difficult literature, at least at first, but often dive in willingly to TV shows, video games, and film. By using such media as a bridge, students can more easily build the skills they need to conquer anything they wish to read, create, or view.

As I began this project, I took inspiration from both William Blake and Joseph Campbell:

“Mind-forg’d manacles” represent William Blake’s perception of self-limitation and the denigration of the human imagination (Particularly in the poem, “London.”). To achieve it, you first must be able to imagine it! Stories of heroes and dragons allow us to explore facing adversity and overcoming it in a mythical realm, gaining tools to apply to our own lives.

“We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalizes.”
― Joseph Campbell

The Hero’s Journey (Campbell)—stories of adversity and triumph resonate with those who need to become the hero of their own lives.

My question to you is this: How has fandom participation impacted your life? I would love to hear your story! Feel free to leave a comment or reach out via



2 thoughts on “Fandom in the High School Classroom”

  1. Hi Sherry,
    I’m the photographer you met waiting in line at the SPN con this last weekend.

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